We want customers to be able to own a good, high-quality, well-built home, with ease and at a price they can afford. Anywhere.

To achieve this, We want our processes to be As good as those of…

car manufacturers.


  • Our vision is to provide anyone, anywhere with quick, well-designed, and affordable housing solutions. Our products were designed to solve the housing crisis in the US. But the world over has similar problems, or much worse: the opportunity for change is gigantic if one is willing to take a look. Our modular home approach is also applicable to developers looking for affordable ways to build multi-family, multi-story apartments.

  • We think we can build any building type, anywhere on the planet. Yet, to get it right and grow from there, we’re starting with a 12x16 studio apartment. Beyond the ADU market is general building construction.

    The Hausa building system should be able to construct almost any residential building type almost anywhere on the planet. Today, most buildings are built by hand, one at a time, in the field.

    We hope that our building system can change this, doing for homes what Henry Ford did for cars.

  • We’ve started from scratch, with nothing left from old building methods. All new materials, engineering, equipment, scale, automation, shipping, and solutions. Logistics to allow for just-in-time procurement and assembly line philosophies. Plug ‘n live construction.


We think the old system is broken, and needs to be fixed.

  • We think that’s ridiculous, and from another era. It’s as if to buy a car, or a phone, or a refrigerator, or a laptop you would have to start a parallel career in project management, all over.

  • Why would you spend valuable time in showrooms to select finishes and coatings, plus the fixtures, and appliances? It’s clear that there are many alternatives, but not so many that we cannot help you.

  • And at build time, search for trustworthy local builders and contractors, go through a nontransparent bid process, and brace yourself when the bids come in higher than expected.

  • Once you had gone thru all of that ordeal, you would have to wait a year or more for construction, change orders, unexpected delays, and extra costs, not really knowing how much your home was going to cost until you move in.

Why hire us?

  • Minimal Formalities

    We’ve been working hard so that most of the Haüsa modules we offer do not require a building permit. However, please talk to a local architect or check the local building regulations.

  • Short Delivery Time

    Hausa homes are built entirely in factories and are ready to be installed after between 2 and 4 months of offsite work. Installation on a plot usually takes 1 day and 1 week after the trucks start arriving.

  • Colors and Materials

    Both colors, textures and high quality materials are adjusted to the client’s needs. Each Hausa home is unique, full of character, adapting to the plot and the environment.

Take a walk down memory lane on our YouTube Channel Favorites


  • Architect (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1990), Entrepreneur, Creative.

  • Founder / CEO of a fully digital advertising agency, in 1991.

  • Founder / CEO of the first global directory of graphic and broadcast media, in 1998.

  • Founder / CEO of a ridesharing company, in 2011.

  • Has worked the last 15 years helping to build NASDAQ listed or privately exited companies, in many silicon valleys and alleys.

  • Founded Hausa, in March 2017.

Charlie Deane

Charlie Deane

If most car factories can build one car per minute, why does a single-family home take 7 months?
— Charlie Deane
I can’t think of a larger market to disrupt or a product with a bigger potential upside. We can change housing on a scale the world has never seen.
— Charlie Deane
There’s a global shortage of 70 million family homes. We think our system can produce in 20 years enough houses to fix this, anywhere on the planet.
— Charlie Deane